Rating: 4/5

12/24/2019 - 12/24/2019

Apparently, I have absolutely abandoned my reading rush list, but this was inevitable. When I was at the local secondhand book store last Wednesday, the bookseller warned me that I probably wouldn't be able to read 50 YA books. He told me to make a separate list, and what is on that list? My roots, baby.

I chose this photo because Jamie M. Rea played Macbeth, and I thought that was equally as powerful as Lady Macbeth's existence.

Macbeth was the first Shakespeare play I had ever read. I had seen a few performed before then. It was an assigned reading in my 9th grade English. The class didn't seem to enjoy it much, but I really loved it. I think it's because I had already experienced some Shakespeare. Anyways, probably one of his best plays. I love Lady Macbeth.